What are the eligibility criteria for the DSA Registration Process?
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You must be over 25 years of age.
You must be a Resident Citizen of India
Education Qualifications
There are no educational requirements to qualify as a Digitech Fin Service Loan DSA Partner
Professional Qualifications
Whether you are a working professional, or a business owner, you are welcome to register as a Digitech Fin Service Loan DSA Franchise

Process of Digitech Fin ServiceDSA registration
Registering to partner with Digitech Fin Servicemakes for a good start to a
successful DSA career.
This guide will walk you each step
through the Online Loan DSA Registration as you begin and grow
your business.

Click on 'Apply Now' and fill in the Loan DSA Partner registration details, and submit along with documents.

Expect a Call
The Digitech Fin Service support team will call you to guide, and co-ordinate a meeting with you.

At the meeting, a Digitech Fin Service Manager will explain to you all you need to know including the process to follow while generating leads.

Sign DSA Agreement
Click on 'Apply Now' and fill in the Loan DSA Partner registration details, and submit along with documents.
Once you're comfortable with the processes, and procedures, an
agreement will be inked between you and Ruloans.
signed and stamped, you will be an official Digitech Fin Service Loan DSA
Partner running a Loan DSA Franchise.